Friday, October 15, 2010

The Christian’s dilemma

Conversation allows for outlet, conveyance of ideas, and sometimes the beginning of action.


You know a family in need. So for those who are of a giving nature, or who are generous, the response ought to be to help wherever you can. Makes sense, right? Love God, love people… love is action.

Broaden the scope of your view and you see that: The need is perpetuated by bad decisions on the part of the family members. Now what? Do you still help? Or do you stand back and say, “it’s their fault, let them fix it.” or “why doesn’t the church take a more active role in helping this family?”

Aside: “why doesn’t the church…” who is the church?

When you hear God call, no matter the circumstances, you answer that call and you either obey or you ignore. When you ignore, you run the risk of distancing yourself from God.

Our choices are our choices, and that $5 that God prompts you to hand to the homeless man in the parking lot should be given to that man without questioning what he will do with it. That man has his own set of choices to make.

Your job is to listen and obey.

1 comment:

Heather said...

I agree wholeheartedly my friend :)

The rumination that is the post itself is just the same.

I still don't know what to do with what I know, even tho I believe action should be taken.... I often find myself in those situations... I wonder "well, if I already know that it won't be put to good use if I assist, why am I doing it?" Which brings us back to what God asks of us.... It's simple, yet difficult. I think right now my issue is, what exactly am I being asked to do with this new knowledge?