Thursday, August 10, 2017

do you have to HAVE it?

Materialism is that desire to have, have, have, all of the "things" you see.

If we look around our homes and we have more than we need, we should watch out for that feeling to acquire more.

I just went to an independent consultant's, home-based business. In my heart as I listened to this sweet, tenderhearted woman talk, I wrestled with what was happening in front of me.

She was pushing a beautiful set of products that I didn't need and trying to cultivate a want for them so that we who were there would buy them.

There is a fine line Americans walk because we live in an instant gratification world that pushes ownership of objects.

It isn't always bad to have something... and yet, do we weigh the costs?

What about those in this world who could barely afford to look at these pretty things?  And if they were in a store that had them, they'd have scrutinizing eyes following them wherever they walked because they were "out of place"?

What I'm saying is, when you look at something non-essential to your life, something that would be considered superfluous... pause a minute and determine: is this item really that important?  

Ask yourself: "When was the last time I helped someone who was in need?"

Making sure we donate the good organizations that support those in need.  Watching out for that homeless person who may or may not have caused his/her circumstances (who are we to judge that?), maybe buying him or her a full meal, not just a hamburger from a local fast food joint.  Or give of your time by volunteering to help children who are far less fortunate than you are.

Spend your "hard-earned" money wherever you will, but dear ones... do you have to HAVE that piece of non-essential anything?

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