Friday, June 16, 2017

What does it mean...

What does it mean to have "inexpressible joy"?  Better yet, what is it?

When I chose that title it wasn't because I'm a happy-go-lucky person... it's actually based on scripture.

Quick story: Sometimes those well-planned public speaking events don't go smoothly.  I had everything set... two balloons, a lit candle and an audience.

The balloons had smiling face.  Each balloon represented a Christian.

When held over the candle, the first balloon popped.

Heat added to a Christian's life can sometimes steal our joy--sometimes those unhappy, or hurtful events in our lives can take away the joy that we have as Christians.  It shouldn't if we are firmly grounded in God.

The second balloon didn't pop (when I practiced anyhow), why not?  Because it had 1/4 cup of water in it to represent the presence of God and the more time we spend in his presence the harder it is to let heat that enters take away that joy. 

Joy is used roughly 170 times in the Old and New Testaments

"I have told you these things so that my joy may be in you, and your joy may be complete." 
John 15:11


A joy that is about being God's own.  Not about material possessions, or money, or societal status--rather, knowing whose you are.

"You have not seen him, but you love him. You do not see him now but you believe in him, and so you rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy," I Peter 1:8

Indescribable, glorious, inexpressible, complete joy found in the presence of a set apart Creator who loves us, loves me, despite our foibles and faults.

Strive for inexpressible joy in your daily life! (Even when there's heat, especially when there's heat.)

(credit for the object lesson goes to the internet and resourceful people everywhere... unfortunately I can't find where I'd seen it first!--Google it sometime.)

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