Sunday, June 18, 2017

Honduras Reflection

Four local and three foreign mission trips and each time I walk away with something different.

What touched my heart most was a quick visit on Sunday to see Carlos and his family.  This beautiful family that gave so much to us last year.

It was a surprise visit you see, there were no calls first, just a pop in and see what has been happening over the last year.  And after everyone had hugged and said "hello" and we had taken pictures.  We shared a few whispers and determined that Carlos was turning 12 that next week.  We were going to stand around him sing "happy birthday"--that beautiful child who worked so hard on his home last year... heard our singing and started crying.

My heart broke.  

Our country has so many advantages, and my life was full of good opportunities.  I had gifts for every birthday--we didn't have much growing up, but I did have a roof... and food... and gifts on my birthday and at Christmas.  My sweet nieces and nephews get gifts from all of us each year.

I was overwhelmed with a sense of purity.  That precious child was so grateful for our singing in a language he didn't know.  My heart broke, but it was full.

"My commandment is this – to love one another just as I have loved you." John 15:12

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