"Let therefore our chief endeavor be, to meditate upon the life of Jesus Christ."1
"But whosoever would fully and feelingly understand the words of Christ, must endeavor to conform his life wholly to the life of Christ." John 8:12
"Whose knoweth himself well, is lowly in his own sight and delighteth not in the praises of men."2
"If thou thinkest that thou understandest and knowest much; know also that there be many things more which thou knowest not.
Do not seem to be otherwise, but rather acknowledge thine own ignorance."3
I found this book in a used book store in an airport. I like it, it's been an interesting and heavy read. Lots to ponder and push and prod me into really examining who I am and whose I am.
Mostly, I just wanted to share from the first few pages, those items that stood out to me in a big way. All too often Christians claim something we aren't working towards... to be Christ-like. The one who despite all the unkind ways in which people treated him, never once lashed out at people with hate-filled words.
We each have so much to learn.
1-The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis; edited by Paul M. Bechtel. Moody Press, 1984, p. 23.
2-Ibid., p. 25.3-Ibid., p. 26.
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