Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Send me a revelation

I was listening to a song on the radio Monday at lunch… sitting in my car looking out the window… the bush beside my parents house is over run with honeysuckle vines…

The man in the song was asking to be given a revelation from God--the thoughts crossing my mind where… it’s so bright and green and beautiful and then for second my eyes refocused and I saw the dirt on the window… and so I rolled it down and there it was, even more bright with white and yellow flowers.

We compromise all the time, allowing our idea of what is good to get in the way of what God has given to us. Which is very good and devoid of dirt and scratches or any other thing that might mar it’s beauty.

1 comment:

Lyrical One said...

Lovely, my friend. We talked in worship last night about freedom in the Spirit and the loveliness of following His lead, how we think we know the way and then when we choose to follow Him, we realize that that is true freedom. It may not be easy, but there is a beauty there we would have missed otherwise. Thanks for making me revisit that thought.